party .. food ... party... food.. very tired
We went to a fantastic party yesterday.. had a lot of food and fun. And today even more food my stomach would explode - turkey, potatoes, salad, meat, corn, ..... Jasper had a what we thought was a diarhea in the nappy maybe too much food ?! As a result of that I had to wash the cover of Jasper's car seat in the washing machine - it smells like.. you know what !! yet tonnes of pictures (months worth) to sort out. Very tired, very full, very sick, feeling very unwell !! Giant mangoes are now $8 or $9 per box and there are 13-15 giant fruit in a box! It sounds unreal but it's true. I can't remember how many mangoes I eat these days. Andrew makes them into mango pastries - they were great.... mangoes, mangoes and more mangoes... jasper doesn't like mangoes at all.
Jasper is nearly 2.5 ... I taught him to sing the "numbers" song in Cantonese (123,321,1234567,234,432,45678910), probably twice or so, then he can recite the whole song. Also, I asked him what my Chinese name was and he could say it accurately.
Here are some pictures taken at home, he loves playing with this wooden alphabet crocodile, and can play with it for HOURS, usually from after breakfast to lunch time. We have found another storage box full of toddler books and flash cards and I have to fit them into the cupboards for Jasper.
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