Thursday, December 07, 2006

running upstairs, converse with stranger

We have stairs over 3 levels at our new residence and Jasper was walking up the stairs with two feet on a step just like how he had been climbing stairs all along. Guess what happened the next day, he started to climb stairs with alternating feet, occasionally placing his hands on the wall for extra support as he walked. Now he is running upstairs like a young kid, he still walks down the stairs with two feet on a step. But I think it won't be long before he walks the stairs like all adults.

we had been so busy moving things for the last two weeks. One time, when I was talking to Andrew about going to McDonalds for lunch, Jasper sitting at the backseat of the car overheard us and said "want nuggets", "I like nuggets", "want chippy" ... in both languages....

He suddenly drinks from an open cup. A year ago i was too concerned about him not using a cup and tried very hard to teach him to use them, and finally I gave up and just let him use sippy cups and straw cups. I guess when they are old enough they will just learn things.

He has been so involved in the "move" that he knows what is happening when we are driving from one place to another. eg "want go new house", "I like new house", "bye bye old house". He can minimally help us move things like dragging the bag of toys up the stairs and so on.

We went to Bunnings the hardware store with Jasper sat on the front section of the shopping trolley. A staff member of the shop who helped us cut materials spoke with Jasper "what's your name?" and he answered "my name is Jasper", "How old are you ?", "I am one". I corrected him that he's two. Then when the man said "H", jasper went "I", man said "J", Jasper went "K"... and they sang the alphabet song together. Those free paint sample cards become his free toy or colour cards. We have been to Bunnings a few times, each time he asked "want colour cards!".