When i said "lets sing the alphabet song", jasper would start singing straight away "ABCDEFG...", he also loves to sing "twinkle twinkle little star", "three jelly fish", "ba ba black sheep" and a few other songs. He still pronounce star as "dar" though.
He has been fighting for the TV channels these weeks, whenever the news is on, he would be upset "want watch banana pyjamas", "want watch playschool", "want watch maisy", "want watch pocoyo".... all these are in chinese as well.. "yiu tai xxx", "yiu tai XXX" = "want watch ..."
He has been asking the questions "what's that?", "what is the chinese for xxx ?" many times a day for many objects. He is able to count in a sequence with less and less hints and help, can read two-digit numbers on the TV such as "64" as sixty-four, not six four. He even asked "what is the chinese for Andrew?".
Other things he has been saying bilingually so far everyday: can name each chess piece correctly. I dont want this, I don't want that, want mummy put cup on table, want mummy press the green button, want andrew sit down, I want to go to playgroup, I want to go to the park, want drink milk, want drink water, where is Xx? it's here. What colour is the xxx? its blue etc. How many XXX are there ? there are XXX ___. Want green chinese book. want mummy clap your hands. want mummy bye bye computer. what sound does a
He can read most of the books I have bought him so far, he can read a few of them from cover to cover and some selective pages for lots of them.
I can still see him mixing languages for fun so far... he would say "yiu manzanna", yiu(cantonese-want),manzanna(spanish-apple). ie want apple. He would also ask himself question like "what is the chinese for neko?" neko(japanese-cat).
He can climb in and out of the bath when holding one of his hands. Can translate days of the week from chinese to english ie monday, tuesday... and so on. However, he keeps counting "sing kay yat", "sing kay yee"... all the way past ten, "sing kay sup yat"(day 11)...etc. Can do simple additions. Can wipe spilled water from floor with a piece of cloth/tissue. Can tell left from right.
He enjoys simple imaginative play such as making a toy cow eat the leaves, or lies a toy animal down and says "zebra sleeping".
He knows the word "Oracle" now, as there are quite a few oracle books in the shelf that he would plug out now and then. He has fun turning pages and reading the page numbers from our books.
He can blur out the word "arigatogotzaimash"(japanese-thankyou).
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