Jasper's toy cupboards
I have almost loaded all the books and wooden puzzles into Jasper's toy cupboards, they were previously used as kitchen cupboards at our old place. I put the wooden puzzles in the hutches so Jasper can point and ask for which one he likes us to fetch him. We still have 7-8 boxes of newborn toys in storage, they will not fit into these cupboards unless we acquire more matching cupboards or stack on top of what we have. I now teach him to pack away ONE toy and hand it over to me before he will get the next toy/book.
He plays on the staircase a lot, sometimes he would slide down the rugged carpeted steps and giggle away, I wonder if i could get a hang-on slide thing to put onto half the width of the staircase so he can have more indoor fun.
He was playing the 3 x 4 jigsaw puzzle on his own, guess what I heard .... I heard him saying these to himself: "does this one match ?" "I don't think so." "where does this go ?" "try here" "no, it doesnt match".... etc
Finally I am convinced he can switch languages with different people. He was asking Andrew "where is my xxx?" "want Andrew get xxx ?". Andrew told him "I don't have XXX go ask mummy ?"... later on he came to me "yiu XXX" "yiu mummy lor xxx" ... all in Cantonese. I have been quite mean, sometimes I offer him no response when he speaks English to me.
We are down to about 10 boxes or big bags of stuff in the living area to be sorted out. Andrew has bought more bookcases this weekend for the study room to store those things. I think when things are all sorted the study room will look like a library.
My to do list is huge -- My next projects will be to varnish or paint the tired-looking front door, paint the wooden fences of the backyard, install a security metal door over the front door. The biggest mistake is that I now have over a dozen of screw-cap energy-saver light bulbs but they don't fit our place because we have bayonet/T cap light bulb sockets all over the house. Our place is quite breezy and we hear doors slam closed now and then, I will need to install door stoppers for all the doors. I also have to wire new lighting for the cellar, we are currently dragging an extension lead with light into the cellar. The laundary will need new overhead shelves to store all those utilities as they are currently lying around the floor. All these will keep me busy or entertained for the months to come.

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