Thursday, December 14, 2006

Door viewer

I got a quote of $75 for each callout plus $75 per half hour of handy man job to install a door viewer on my front door. I am not mentally ready to pay this much for a door viewer. I went to the $2 shop this morning after dropping off Jasper at the daycare, spent $2.95 on a 180 degree door viewer and $2 for a set of 5 wooden drill bits. Total costs $4.95 !! I just thought I could give it a go and DIY. It wasn't that hard, I used a 10 mm drill bit to drill a pilot hole through the door and then slowly widen it with the same drill until it fits the door viewer... It took me 15-20 mins all up to fix this as i haven't drilled wood this thick before. We had needle work and sewing lessons in school but never woodwork. I don't really drill much normally, it's not my job. It was a success !!!!! Andrew will be shocked when he sees it this evening. It's 4:30pm gotta go to get some veggies and then pickup Jasper.