Saturday, July 15, 2006

peeling mandarin, sitting still for breakfast

-updated- He can now peel the whole mandarin by himself, but i have to break open a little bit of peel for him to start with. Probably for the first time in 2 years he can sit still the whole time until he finishes his breakfast (didn't buckle him up, didn't use a harness) - breakfast is usually a fruit bowl, bread pieces or mini cup cakes and a cup of milk. Back home when he is having other meals, I buckle him on the booster seat again as i dont want to give him any impressions that he can get off that chair. He is very verbal now, he would say "i want mummy unbuckle" when he has had enough and wait for me ...

They don't use a high chair at the daycare for safety reasons so the kids have to learn to sit down in a kids chair to eat. Again, this is a big thing for me, normally he would sit down (on kids chair) for only half a second and tried to get off to run around. Attached pic is a snapshot of the mini video clip.

I was told by the daycare that he didn't try to get off the chair and ate EVERYTHING I packed for him. My guess is that maybe in the kid's mind they didn't want to misbehave in a new/strange environment to avoid surprises or possible punishment from strangers when away from their parents. The two pictures below show exactly what he eats while at the daycare. (looks like at a hotel, doesnt it ?!) Everything is fingerfood. Meat, bak choi, pasta or noodles are pretty mostly plain boiled.

Breakfast 8:30 am or 9:00 am

  • cup of milk - it takes half a min to finish
  • bread pieces or a few mini cup cakes

    Morning Tea 10:30 am

  • Fruit bowl - fruit of the season: kiwi pieces, strawberries, mandarin, apple, grapes

    Lunch 12:00 pm or 12:30 pm

  • Bak Choi leaves, or carrots or boiled vegetables
  • Pasta of different shapes, noodles or udon
  • ham slices or egg chunks, or boiled chicken pieces
  • half a cup of milk

    Afternoon Tea 3:30 pm or 4:00 pm

  • a few mini cup cakes or bread pieces
  • a slice of cheese
  • a few mini crackers or biscuits
  • some fruits
  • rice crackers or something crunchy to satisfy his teething desire
  • half a cup of milk

    Dinner 7:00 pm

  • similar to lunch, but he will have a few pieces of the parents food.