Jasper calls people's first name -- mummy diddia
Jasper has just started to reference people by their first names just two days ago. Instead of saying "want mummy" or "want daddy", he says "want Andrew ___ " ie he uses our first name instead. He says the answer correctly when he is asked "what is daddy's name?". When I ask him "what is baby's name?" he says "baby name Jasper". There is a name tag for Jasper(and every kid) at the playgroup with my name and his name on it, he points to the words and reads the names. At first he says mummy diddia.. it was very funny.
We bought a Thomas the Train table and chair set for him yesterday in the hope to getting him to sit down more often, and he did. He didn't go to bed until late 11pm and he was too preoccupied with this new table, every toy that went on the Thomas table appeared to be a brand new toy to him. I couldn't believe he learnt the names of the train characters within the same day with accurate pronounciation. The blue train is Thomas, the green train Percy, the red train James and the yellow train Arthur. He points to each train as he says the name.
He will be two in a few weeks' time. I feel that he is very much behind in some areas and ahead in others. I have been to many playgroups, comments from the playleaders and other mothers are that Jasper runs extremely fast, can do puzzles ahead of his age and can read better than some pre-schoolers, he is considered to have very advanced English pronounciations among the Chinese group.
The weather is turning so cold that I have put a thick liner on the stroller plus a zipped on foot-muff, he would sneeze if anything less. My daily routine now becomes spending the whole morning at a playgroup followed by lunch and then Jasper has his nap in the pram when I run my errands or do my shopping in the mall. As soon as he wakes up he would want afternoon tea followed by a run or play at the park. Afternoon tea can be very yummy for him, they are doing special at Pizza Hut between 3pm-5pm for $3 a pizza plus a free coke. The coke is for me, and then we share the pizza.
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