Thursday, May 25, 2006

strollers, car-seats

I have finally got rid of 3 strollers as they take up space: the Pedigree Ezilite jogger, the Steelcraft Preview/Profile and a mini Runabout umbrella stroller. I missed them all as they were once very useful for me, but they are no longer required. Just when I was quite content with my new Steelcraft Swiftlite stroller I noticed Toys'r'us was doing a sale which will end this month, 50% off is a big turn on... I then got myself a new Peg Perego Pliko P3 stroller. It's such a godsend! Forgot to mention I actually bought(and resold) a Maclaren Daytripper umbrella stroller: hated it, no suspensions on wheels, hard to push, will tip backwards if anything is hang on the handle bars.

It's winter here, Jasper can barely fit in my Steelcraft Swiftlite if he wears a thick coat. Steering is a bit *sticky if you put a 13-14kgs kid in it. Andrew loves the Steelcraft Swiftlite but I don't, i have to twist my back to steer the thing, but then it is extremely compact for going on the train. The Peg Perego Pliko P3 does have a much wider seat and much better suspensions on wheels. I can't believe a kid this big is still not walking straight, he is the only kid out of all the playgroups I go to uses a walking harness. And he drags me along as he walks, I would be either running behind him (not easy to steer him!) with the harness or simply put him back in the stroller. I love the P3 and have been using it for weeks now, it reclines flat, stands upright when folded, large sun canopy, I can lift it into the car boot without hurting my back, great steering. Jasper still sleeps in the stroller, he refuses to hold hands when we walk, oh well, looks like I have to continue using a stroller until he is trained to walk properly.

I used a 0-18kgs convertible carseat up until this month. I can't understand how they can fit an 18kgs in an infant carseat as advertised. Jasper has certainly outgrown it. Loading a wriggly 13-14kgs kid in the middle back seat is the greatest torture in life. I bought a new toddler booster carseat this month it is good for a 14-32kgs child, I fitted it to the side seat just behind the driver seat, I can sit him in without bending my back or hitting his head to the ceiling of the car.