Wednesday, May 03, 2006

22 months, kick ball

A lot of things happening lately. He finally kicks the ball today and says "kick ball". He was aware that people are putting on clothes and pants for him and he seemed to be behaving minimally cooperative. For the first time from birth he let me clip his finger nails and toe nails without fighting or the need of toy distraction to keep him occupied. He looked at each finger as it was clipped. He says a lot of sentences and are very fluent with most colours and numbers. eg two white flowers, 6 brown bears etc. The most typical sentence remains "want xxxx ", eg "want climb up", "want slide down", "give daddy cup", "kiss mummy"..... He is quite familiar with some phrases in the books Maisy the rat, Spot the dog and Dr.Seuss. He answered his name "jasper" when i asked him what his name was. He now does 5-6 piece board puzzles. Can sing the alphabet song. Can count objects. Can read some large prints in teh book, he says "turn page" as he is turning the page.