simple sentences, dumplings at restaurant

Jasper is well into two-word sentences or very simple sentences. He says things like 'car up', 'car go', 'want XXX', 'bye-bye XXX', 'hi XXX', 'big XXX', 'blue XXX', 'on top', 'door open'.... Something else interesting happened, i had taught him the written word "eyes", then showed him a piece of paper with the word "yes" written on it. He made a mistake and said 'eyes' instead of 'yes'. Took me a few seconds to figure out where the 'eyes' comes from, he prefixed the word he saw with an e and thought 'yes' looked like 'eyes'. He seems very interested in reading and recognising words. I taught him the dialogue [how old are you?][I'm one] in both languages, I doubt he understands the meaning of it. He is still not quite at saying three-word sentences, the most he can say is 'bye bye happy sun', 'bye-bye big ball'. He can just about sing the alphabet song when lead. Can count from 1 to 20 in two languages, can count from 1 to 100 with some help when after each digit *9. He pretends to jump but can't lift both feet off the floor yet. He seems to love playing trains on wooden toy tracks with ramps and tunnels.
This afternoon I walked him from home to the train station and I brought along my stroller folded up. We were holding hands walking together and I had my wrist strapped to his security harness in case he shoke off my hand and ran away (which he does all the time). He got very cracky just before boarding the train so I sat him in the stroller, he then dozed off to la-la land before the train even reached the next station. He woke up 2.5 hours later (just in time!) when I was just about to start enjoying my dumplings at the famous dumpling restaurant, I sat him on the highchair and he started munching away the dumplings - his afternoon tea, I then bought a carton of 300ml fresh milk from the nearby 7-11 convenient store for him.
He normally yawns a lot around 10:30am-11:00am but I manage to stretch his morning wake time till after lunch, and he now takes only ONE nap after lunch, so it's just one nap a day, bed time is always 8:30pm and he has been waking around 7:30-7:45am for the past few weeks.
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