Typhoon - the pictures say it all...
more: these pictures are taken at Hyde Park, Sydney. The park is not fenced but big enough for Jasper to run free without going on the road with the traffic.

Jasper Ayden L-H ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- please also check out the archived articles and pictures posted on this site.
Typhoon - the pictures say it all...
Jasper pointed at the bowl of salad at the far end of the dinner table "whats that?", "Thats salad" I said. He went "I want salad!". He is saying more complex words and phrases like "finished", "I want Andrew in the pen", "its a question mark", "one hundred", "I like going to playgroup", "whats daddy's name? Daddy's name's Andrew". He still spills food using a spoon but is very good using a fork. He can spear tiny onion pieces with a fork. He starts to understand simple additions and gives an answer when I ask him what 2 + 3 equals or what 2 + 2 =. He sang the song TWINKLE TWINKLE LITTLE STAR in the bath, both Andrew and I heard it. (he still says DAR for STAR). When I ask him "do you like to sing?" he would pour out the alphabet song really quickly. He also kinda sing the song Jelly fish, Old MacDonald had a farm. He can understand a few emotions "happy", "sad", "mad" and "scared". He can read a few simple books from cover to cover including the ABCs, numbers, teddy bear and 2 of Dr.Seuss books. He also understand the traffic lights. He understands most of what is said in both languages but rarely ever follows instructions or refuses to do what we ask him to do. These days I tuck him to bed at 9pm and he wakes around 8:30am. One nap a day 1pm - 3:30pm or simply within half an hour after lunch.
23 months - Jasper asks "whats that?" just about every few seconds.... he now says things like "I like going to playgroup", " I like judia"... It took me by surprise he picked up the shapes and said "cross", "pentagon", "bell" ! He knows all the basic shapes previously, these are the new shapes that I taught him only recently. He loves acting and dancing to the song "hokey pokey", "ring a ring a roses", "twinkle twinkle little star". He also uttered "I want help mummy close car door" and it was fun watching him use his whole body to swing the car door shut. He stacks 8 blocks. He is still very adventurous and runs extremelly fast, i have not met another kid younger or older with the same speed among all the playgroup people I know of.