Saturday, July 09, 2005


Jasper's appetite has since changed these days. Breakfast is ½ slice of toast, ½ or whole banana plus milk. Lunch will be half a bowl of noodle and meat of 1 chicken drumstick, plus milk. Afternoon tea is 2.5 chinese buns plus milk. Dinner is 1 biscuit, 2 drumsticks plus noodle, rice or bread, followed by milk. Mealtime usually lasts around 20 mins for Jasper, any longer on the highchair he would get bored such as twisting and stretching his body, rubbing his eyes and his face. To avoid much mess, banana is sliced up presenting to him about an arm's length away on a fork, he would reach out grab the fork and puts it in his mouth, so he is the one who sets the pace; similar with chicken pieces. Other types of *neat* or *clean* food such as biscuits or bread I ususally let him feed himself. I have to say this - my Valco Urban 5.2kg stroller is so perfect!(or at least for now)