the 10th month!

Jasper weighs over 10kgs now, I have tried many different baby carriers, kids carriers, hip carriers and backpacks and none of them makes me feel comfortable carrying him, i have tried so many types i can write a book about them, usually I bought them second hand from the internet and sell them on when I think they are no good. He has been a little funny these days such as scrunching up this face and eyes, practising his high notes like singing with non-specific sounds, bouncing up and down in his cot like one a trampoline, teething on teh cot rail etc. He can now successfully drink from a straw cup (yes he can suck from a straw and then swallow, and we gave him a bit of vitasoy!), picks food from a plastic bowl accurately and self feed though i have to hold the bowl for him or he would swat the bowl to the floor. He can do minimal shape sorting - he can fit a circle block in the circular hole, not yet on the other shapes. Many friends have babies who have had to stand for a few months before walking independently, given Jasper is so heavy on the upper body I would be happy if he can walk on his own by 1.5 yrs.
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