going to bed willingly
We brought Jasper's bedtime from 8:30pm to 9:45pm, we felt he was tired enough to go to bed without much complaint. I asked him "do you want to go to bed ?", "D'you want mummy open the door ?". As soon as I opened the door, he ran to his cot, climbed in and lied down. He didn't climb out of the cot tonight at all though he insisted having the light on. We will just have to turn off the light when he is completely asleep. I put a baby gate on his bedroom door, he can't go out of his room and in case he climbs out of the cot, he will have a choice to climb back in at his own time. Again, I will only remove the gate from his bedroom door when he is completely asleep.
He understands very basic past tense and can carry on a very simple conversation. When he is asked "what have you eaten today?" (in cantonese), he would return a few sentences in Cantonese "I ate(have eaten/had) cornflake", "ate apple", "drank milk", "ate biscuit" ... etc.
Attached pictures... he is very good at climbing now....
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