song singing

We went to the playgroup today and he started to pay attention to the leader during the song singing session, it all started from last week that he would stop a little and get involved instead of running around crazily. He is still a little behind in some areas, his fine motor skills are not as good as some younger kids, he can't sit still in a chair for a little longer, sitting down and do craft is almost impossible for him, wont use a spoon or fork for more than 10 seconds, won't sit still and watch people paint or use a pair of scissors, doesn't kick a ball. He runs really FAST, so fast that Andrew would complain or make a fuss when trying to catch him in a large park, it's not easy. On the other hand, he knows a few nouns and some action words, good enough for him to read simple things so I have started him on a Dr.Seuss book today. There is no equivalent books in Chinese unfortunately. I have seen him walking down 3 steps in the park this afternoon HANDS-FREE! He is still left-handed, has not swapped hands or I am not sure if he will. He is particularly interested in playing with trains with rail tracks with ramps or bridges and tunnels, large pretend-play toy like little-people with slides. He has not played with the knob puzzles much for the last two weeks. He has come to the stage when given a wooden knob puzzle and the loose pieces, he will finish it very quickly and hand the finished board out to me or someone, saying "ta" or "do-tse"(thank you). Those knob puzzles can't keep him occupied anymore. I am stuck with at least 15 of those wooden board puzzles and each one won't keep him still for over a minute. I wanted to get him a playtable with rail tracks such as Thomas and I asked a few shops but they say those imaginative plays are for three years plus.