I am not sure if it was a coincidence but Jasper is now able to drink the whole serve of milk from a straw cup after he came back from the hospital. He used to drink only a few sips from any cup and would swat the cup away and I hated picking it up for him and kept offering. My guess was that he didn't have anything solid to eat for days due to sickness maybe that gave him a message that he didnt have any choice but milk so he took all the milk offers pretty nicely. Milk Feeds are now a matter of seconds with a straw cup and he only throws the cup to the floor when it is empty. I have packed away all the bottles with sippy spouts as I think they dont really help him to learn to drink. Milk from straw cup(less mess) and water from an open cup, or an open cup with a flat lid with a big hole in it - all liquids are from cups!
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