Friday, September 23, 2005

Favourite move, rocking horse, tricycle, baby puzzle, cafe, bead runner...

This is one of Jasper's favourite moves, from an all-fours position to straightening all limbs before rising upright to a standing position and then runs away, I thought only gymnasts do that on a horizontal bar! He also walks backwards this evening. He almost only crawls on "hands and feet" rarely "hands and knees", thats somethings I can't do myself - I can't crawl with my legs straight.

rocking horse, tricycle, baby puzzle, cafe, bead runner...

Saturday, September 17, 2005

more play, walks more than crawls, pulls funny faces, grabs toys from others

Jasper is walking more often than crawling now.

Sunday, September 11, 2005

"duck", Banana, milk drinks, claps, suction bowl

He has learnt a new word "duck" today - I said duck and he went to grab two duckees from within the bunch of toys and said "duck" while holding the ducks and walking, sometimes he said "dubb". I couldnt get his attention when saying the word "duck" in Cantonese maybe too hard to pronounce. I managed to feed him a banana without slicing it, I simply hold a half-peeled banana in front of him within his reach and he would grab my hand towards his mouth and take a bite then push my hand away. For less than 10 bites he could finish one whole banana. Milk drink is even faster it takes less than ONE minute for 220ml, I could barely take a picture of him drinking before he finished the whole cup, actually I drilled a small hole on the lid of the straw cup to make it flow faster. He can now take to an ordinary (fast)straw without spilling. He uses a fast straw cup and a flat lid sip cup for water. His claps are so much louder and faster. I gave him a haircut today but havent got a chance to take him a picture maybe later. I also got some suction bowls that are harder to swat away. I tried teaching him to point to body parts but he hasn't a clue yet.

Friday, September 09, 2005

14 months checkup

I took him to the childhood centre for a checkup. Everything is fine and all his stats are above average. He has lost a bit of weight but is still within the 11-12 kgs range, head circumference is just under 50cm, height is 80cm. He walks a lot more these days but still a crawler especially when he wants to be somewhere fast.

Wednesday, September 07, 2005

14 months, vocabularies, food/Menu

Jasper is now 14 months - words that he definitely understands are: clap, arms up, arms down, wave, open, close, eat, drink, milk, biscuit, bikki, banana, apple, cheese, yoghurt, mouth, tumber, bye bye, hi, hello, ma-ma, papa, night-night, come here, go, din-din, water, up, down, ball, in, jasper, baby.......

The words he says are many but only a few I can understand: din-din, mum-mum, daddy, app (not sure if it is "up", or "open" or "apple"), ba-ba (banana?)

Jasper is now mostly on solids with only 2 milk drinks a day mainly at breakfast and lunch only. I feel a sense of achievement that he is eating more like a human and off the bottles. I see no point in continuing with breast milk as baby is already 14 months, I have decided to stop hopefully by end of this week. He has been eating a 1000 - 1100 Calorie diet for the last few days and seems fine, I can't even eat this much myself:

Breakfast: 1 cup milk, 1 banana, ½ slice toast w/butter, 1/3 cup museli or oats
Lunch: ½ egg sandwich(ie 1 egg & 1 slice bread), 1 cup milk, 1/3 cup museli/cereal
PM Snack: 1 tub yoghurt, 1/2 grated apple, 1/2 banana, 1-2 milk biscuit
Dinner: 1 bowl spinach pasta: half cup cooked pasta + 60g spinach + 1 serve cheese, chicken bits and cheese sauce.

I really tried him on the congee / rice stuff but he wouldnt take much - one spoon and his head will be shaking like crazy... ok, pasta or noodle then.

The only thing is... he poops twice a day instead of once every two days... more solids = more poops.

Thursday, September 01, 2005


I am not sure if it was a coincidence but Jasper is now able to drink the whole serve of milk from a straw cup after he came back from the hospital. He used to drink only a few sips from any cup and would swat the cup away and I hated picking it up for him and kept offering. My guess was that he didn't have anything solid to eat for days due to sickness maybe that gave him a message that he didnt have any choice but milk so he took all the milk offers pretty nicely. Milk Feeds are now a matter of seconds with a straw cup and he only throws the cup to the floor when it is empty. I have packed away all the bottles with sippy spouts as I think they dont really help him to learn to drink. Milk from straw cup(less mess) and water from an open cup, or an open cup with a flat lid with a big hole in it - all liquids are from cups!