Jasper is now 14 months - words that he definitely understands are: clap, arms up, arms down, wave, open, close, eat, drink, milk, biscuit, bikki, banana, apple, cheese, yoghurt, mouth, tumber, bye bye, hi, hello, ma-ma, papa, night-night, come here, go, din-din, water, up, down, ball, in, jasper, baby.......
The words he says are many but only a few I can understand: din-din, mum-mum, daddy, app (not sure if it is "up", or "open" or "apple"), ba-ba (banana?)
Jasper is now mostly on solids with only 2 milk drinks a day mainly at breakfast and lunch only. I feel a sense of achievement that he is eating more like a human and off the bottles. I see no point in continuing with breast milk as baby is already 14 months, I have decided to stop hopefully by end of this week. He has been eating a 1000 - 1100 Calorie diet for the last few days and seems fine, I can't even eat this much myself:
Breakfast: 1 cup milk, 1 banana, ½ slice toast w/butter, 1/3 cup museli or oats
Lunch: ½ egg sandwich(ie 1 egg & 1 slice bread), 1 cup milk, 1/3 cup museli/cereal
PM Snack: 1 tub yoghurt, 1/2 grated apple, 1/2 banana, 1-2 milk biscuit
Dinner: 1 bowl spinach pasta: half cup cooked pasta + 60g spinach + 1 serve cheese, chicken bits and cheese sauce.
I really tried him on the congee / rice stuff but he wouldnt take much - one spoon and his head will be shaking like crazy... ok, pasta or noodle then.
The only thing is... he poops twice a day instead of once every two days... more solids = more poops.