He appeared very clingy on the third day... i had to get a teacher to distract him while saying goodbye to his ear and then ran out very quickly before he switched attention onto me again. Then I peeked from over the other side of the fence and saw him walking around the yard looking for me while the teacher said to him "see, mummy is gone, she will come back... etc". His wingeing stopped the moment realised the fact of existence. ie mummy does not exist in the boundary of the kindergarten and there will be no point shouting/crying.
The swelling of his lips have gone down a little, it didnt bother me that much though I hope there won't be a scar on his lip. He is well aware of his wound and when he kisses me, he gently smacks his lips in the air while touching my cheek with his.

I dropped in after lunch time to check on him to make sure he is ok, and I also advised the teachers to remember to offer him plenty of water or milk to drink during the day.
I checked the daily report of the kindy and he seemed starting to join in the group activities rather than doing his own thing at a corner since the accident.
After learning a few friends who are still stuck with their 3.5+ years old at home without anywhere to go to, I got very paranoid and went around looking for another preschool to put Jasper's name on the waiting list, this pre-school in Lane Cove looks ok, it was recommended by one of my friends, so I put his name down today. Considered myself lucky that Jasper is now in a formal kindergarten at 2.5 years.

The educational system for pre-school children is very complex and unregulated in Australia. Kids in Australia have the following options:
2-6 Years --> can go to a private 3-year kindergarten(v.rare), then primary school
0-5 Years --> can go to a daycare centre(where they make sure fed and changed)
3 Years --> can go to a 2-year pre-school, followed by Year K of the primary school.
4 Years --> can go to a 1-year pre-school, followed by Primary school.
Pre-schools are not funded by government at all, kids can stay home till they are 6 and then start primary without any prior education.
I dont want to waste his brains by making him stay home till 6, so I decided to get him into a more stimulated environment early. I can still switch him to pre-school next year or the year after next if I want to, the decision will be mine alone.
Jasper is already on the waiting list of 4 different pre-schools, 1 daycare centre, 1 family daycare, and currently enrolled in a 3-year kindergarten. Then i went to the local primary school this afternoon again to ensure they will take Jasper on in either 2009 or 2010(my choice).