18 mths - shopping in the supermarket.

Jasper has started asking for things recently by saying the words instead of pointing at them. eg He says "beng" for biscuit when he wants it. He also recognises combination of words such as "10" pronounces as "ten" instead of "one O". When asking him "what are these called" pointing at my eyes/nose/mouth etc he would reply in the language(english or chinese) that the question was asked. It has been good fun taking him shopping for groceries in the supermarket as i would tell him what things are called when he points at them. He still cannot pronounce "seven" and tends to skip the number when counting beads or his food pieces. Still made no attempts at pronouncing "W" but otherwise he knows and can read almost the whole alphabets. The size of his spoken vocabularies is now over 50 words English and Chinese combined. He loves saying "bye bye ____" when he leaves something/somewhere he'd say it eg "bye-bye B2" when he leaves the B2 level in the lift; eg "bye-bye car" after we have crossed the road, basically he bye-bye's a lot of things. He will start his swim class next week totally 11 sessions.